The Library
That the products of Wintech Professional Institute will use current and authentic information in making decisions.
Assemble and house outstanding collection in print and digital format that provide a seamless access to information regardless of its location; provide service that is effective, dynamic and responsive to the mission of the Institute and develop and produce students with critical and lifelong learning attributes.
- Uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist efforts to censor library resources;
- Protect the right of users to privacy and confidentiality in respect of information sought and consulted;
- Recognize and uphold intellectual property rights;
- Work in close collaboration with academic staff and senior management;
- Respond to changing user needs through regular evaluation of resources and services;
- Give prior consideration to users and their needs and work towards to meeting them.
Membership/Registration/Opening hours
The following are allowed to use the library:- The President and Members of Council of Wintech Professional Institute;
- Academic staff;
- Registered Students;
- Administrative and other staff;
- Visitors and researches granted permission.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 8 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 2 pm
Prospective users of the library must first fill in a registration form.
Library Orientation
The library organizes orientation for fresh students. The emphasis is on resources, facilities and services that the library offers. Students are briefly introduced to how scholarly information is generated, produced and disseminated and used in academic setting.
Reserve Collection
This is a collection of books in high demand by students because it contains most of the titles recommended by lecturers. This collection is separated from the general collection and items are available for short loan periods only.
The library has a durable photocopying equipment. User pay for photocopying services and are required to observe copyright rights.
Internet Service
There are twenty workstations connected to the Internet.
Online Databases
Full Text Journals
Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI)
Gives free access to more than 7,000 health and biomedical journal titles.
Free Medical Journals
Currently1380 full-text journals sorted by subject, language, and title, as well as highlighting free journals with high impact factors.
BioMed Central
Offers online publishing of articles in all areas of original biomedical research with full peer review and open access.
Directory of Open Access Journals
Aims at covering all subjects and languages. There are currently 2456 journals which are searchable at article level. As at December it carried 32 journals on Nursing and 152 on Public Health.
AJOL: African Journals On-Line
This is a move to make research output published in African journals available to Africans and the rest of the world.
Bibliographic Databases
A bibliographic index to the health sciences literature dating as far back as the 1950s. There are over 20 million entries in the database. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
POPLINE is the world's largest bibliographic database on population, family planning, and related issues.
African Index Medicus
A regional index to African health literature.
Library Regulations
General Rules
- All patrons are required to register to use the facility and have full benefit of available services;
- Briefcases, large handbags, etc, should be checked in at the Issue Desk;
- No bags should be found around the reading area;
- Readers must submit any materials they are carrying while entering and leaving the Library for inspection at the security Check Point;
- Personal books are not allowed in the library;
- Mobile phones must be put on silence within the library hall; phone calls are to be made or received outside the library;
- No part of any book should be tampered with, marking and mutilation of library material is a serious offence that attracts severe disciplinary sanctions;
- No books are to be taken out of the library without going through established checking out process;
- Books consulted should be left on the reading tables, the library staff will re-shelve them;
- Patrons should ensure that they observe copyright laws and other copyright restrictions.
The following rules must be observed by all patrons in respect to use of electronic gadgets and/accessories within the library:
- No pen drives and other data storage materials are allowed on the Institute’s computers;
- Patrons are not permitted to open pornographic sites;
- Patrons are not allowed to play music or games;
- Watching of films on CD or the Internet is not allowed unless it has been assigned by a lecturer.
Borrowing Privileges
- The following items cannot be taken out of the Library:
- Books indicated as REFERENCE
- Encyclopaedias and dictionaries
- Newspapers
- Journals (current and back issues)
- Electronic media
- Students are allowed to borrow two books for two weeks;
- No borrowing is allowed during vacation;
- Lecturers may borrow up to four books for four weeks. A book may be recalled after two weeks.
- Readers are only allowed borrowing privileges on presentation of a valid ID card;
Books borrowed should be returned to the Issue Desk; they should not be passed from one reader to another reader.
Short Loans
Books on reserve collection and other material in high demand are available for short loan periods. Such loans may be an overnight in which instance it should be returned before 9 am of the next day or over the week end and should be returned by 9 am on Monday.
Overdue Fines
Items that are returned to the library after the time and/or the day due attract fines. Fines apply to all categories of borrowers.
Misplacement of Books
A patron who reports misplacement of a borrowed will be given fourteen (14) days to look for it and return it. The book is considered lost if not returned by the fourteenth day.
Lost Item
A patron who loses an item borrowed from the library shall pay cost of replacing the item.
Stealing an item from the library is an offence that could attract serious sanctions.